Kettlebell Row Variations: 10 for a Stronger Back

Build a Stronger Back with these 10 Kettlebell Row Variations
by Living Fit
A strong back will take you far in life. While most people are out there focusing on their “mirror muscles” you’re doing your kettlebell rows and building a healthy, resilient, muscular back. The kettlebell row is a compound movement that hits your back, shoulders, arms and core.
When programming kettlebell row variations it’s important to maintain a 2:1 (or even 3:1) ratio of pulling to pressing. This will help alleviate imbalances and specifically shoulder issues. A stronger front side because of years of pushing horizontally and vertically can lead to rounded shoulders and less than optimal posture which will eventually lead to pain. A strong back from top to bottom will help alleviate postural issues and create a solid foundation for heavier lifting.
When it comes to pulling, there are many implements you can use. Kettlebells offer an ergonomic advantage with their higher position than a dumbbell. The center of mass with a single base (as opposed to two sides of a dumbbell) makes it slightly easier for kettlebell row variations and ground variations.
Here are 10 kettlebell row variations that you can do with your kettlebells!
One Arm Row (Supination) with support
This allows for some rotation within the limb which will feel a little more natural. It also helps increase bicep activation to give you a little more bang for your buck. Adding the support of your opposite elbow helps alleviate excess stress on the lumbar spine.
One Arm Row with rotation without support
In order to focus your attention on the muscles of your back it’s good to lock your shoulder into place and increase tension. With this movement you’ll be adding in thoracic rotation putting more of the work on your rear delts and trunk. I like this variation to add some variety and increase the range of motion on the pull.
Alternating Row
Place two kettlebells in between your feet. Drive your hand onto one bell as you pull up with the other. The added support of the non-working hand will take pressure off your lower back while allowing you to perform alternating reps.
See Saw Row
This movement creates incredible upper body strength, but can cause an issue on your lower back if you don’t pressurize your core enough. Sit back, maintain a rigid torso and lift both bells just off the ground. As you lower one bell the other bell begins to rise. Alternate back and forth.
Quadruped row
This prepares my client for renegade rows that can be incredibly difficult on the core. Make sure to use heavy enough kettlebells to support your weight. Competition bells are preferred, but anything over 12kg should be fine if it has a flat base. Set up over the bells with your shoulders stacked over your elbows and wrists. Walk your feet back so your knees on under your hips and your upper body is flat. Drive one hand into the ground as you pull with the other until your upper arm is in line with your torso.
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Quadruped Row with Rotation
This requires the same set-up as the Quadruped row, but now instead of locking your shoulder into place you’ll be pulling further adding rotation to the end range. Only go as far as you feel comfortable.
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Renegade Row
The renegade row will hit your abdominal wall harder than your back. In a full pushup position over a pair of kettlebells, drive your hand onto one bell as you pull up and back (think elbow down to hip). Safely lower and repeat. Maintain a rigid torso with controlled breathing and bracing.
Two Point Renegade row
With the same set-up as the renegade row the only difference is you’ll be lifting the opposite leg of the arm you’re rowing. Maintain a flat back as you do this. This will increase the demands on your entire trunk.
Cross Body Row
This is a cross between a one arm rotational row and a rear-delt fly. This is a great variation to hit your upper back and shoulders. Vary the height to where you pull to for varying engagement of musculature. You can also tweak the grip and level of rotation.
Crush Grip Row
The variation will challenge your grip, forearms, chest and biceps. Set up over a bell sitting on it’s side. Grip it with a crush grip position. Pull up while driving your hands together the entire time. Pull up and back towards your belly button.
Give these variations a try! Sprinkle a few into your program, progress and then switch it up. Each one has its own attributes and benefits that will get you stronger, alleviate boredom, and keep your back strong and healthy!
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By: Marcus Martinez