The Best Resistance Band Exercises for Weight Loss and Building Muscle
15 Resistance Band Exercises for Men & Women to Tone Your Entire Body, Build Muscle or Lose Weight
It is hard to name a more versatile, transportable and inexpensive piece of workout equipment than the resistance band. For approximately $10-$15 you can acquire a resistance band which you can easily transport anywhere. Even with the same resistance band, you can vary the intensity of your workout simply by adjusting how you are holding the band. You can allow for more slack in the resistance band to make a movement easier or reduce the space between the anchors on the band to make them more intense. Resistance band exercises for weight loss are particularly effective because they allow you to adjust intensity and target various muscle groups.
Do Resistance Bands Really Work?
“Resistance Bands can be used to lose body fat by increasing metabolic rates through improvements in lead body mass. Resistance Band exercises are muscle building strength as well as fat burning intensity movements'', says Aaron Guyett, CSCS, Director of Education for Living.Fit. By arming yourself with just one or two resistance bands, some knowledge about movements and an expertly created plan, you can train for any goal you want. Whether you're looking to build muscle or achieve weight loss with resistance bands, you will most likely never outgrow the need for just a couple bands if you know how to adjust the intensity of any movement.
Workout + Workout Add On
You can do a workout with just a resistance band or you can also introduce them into other workouts with dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells to make certain movements more challenging. This flexibility makes resistance band workouts for weight loss an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their fitness routine.
Types of Resistance Bands
If you were to search ‘resistance bands’ in a search engine, all manner of results will pop up. There are several types of bands that create resistance. The demonstrations below contain resistance bands or what some people like to use as ‘pull up assistance bands’. Here are a few different types of resistance bands:
- Resistance Bands or Pull Up Resistance Bands: The advantage of bands like these are that they are a bit larger in length. Why is that important? You can make a long band shorter, but not a short band longer. That means you can adjust how you hold resistance bands like these to increase the level of resistance, they also allow for greater range of motion. If you need to create more resistance you can simply loop them around more than once. Bands like these are also used as pull up assistance bands by looping them over a pull up bar and through themselves, then placing your feet at the bottom. The resistance actually helps you perform pull ups. These types of bands are also used with barbells, dumbbells or kettlebells to make a particular weight load more challenging. You can wrap them around either of these, then perform a traditional movement with the same weight to make it more challenging like barbell deadlifts, kettlebells swings and more.
- Mini Bands: Resistance Bands like these are ideal for movements you are doing with legs. They are smaller in length so you do not have to loop them around multiple times. These are commonly used for movements like leg extensions, lateral steps and some shoulder movements.
- Loop Bands: In a lot of ways these are similar to Mini Bands and traditionally used for movements to build legs and glutes. Sometimes these have been used in yoga workouts as well.
Want to Try Resistance Band Programs That Burn Fat and Gain Muscle? Get Access to 7 Resistance Band Workouts + Create Your Own With a Workout Generator! Follow on desktop or mobile!
Can I work out with resistance bands everyday?
Like any workout plan, you should take rest days. No experienced trainer would recommend that you do any workout every single day. You will quickly burn out which will have the negative effect of actually not reaching your goals because you won’t have the energy or strength you need when it is time to workout. However, you can workout with resistance bands almost every day. “You should follow an expertly crafted workout plan by an experienced professional”, says Guyett, “This reduces the risk of over training, under training and makes it more likely you will reach your particular goal whether that is building muscle, losing fat or both.
Helpful Resources:
- Free Daily workouts with resistance bands here
- Fitness Equipment like resistance bands here
Can you get ripped from resistance bands?
Man cannot live on resistance bands alone. Yes, resistance bands will contribute to you getting ripped. However, there are a number of other variables that go into being ripped. Make sure you are fueling your body with the correct nutrition or you simply will not get there. As far as the workout portion goes, if your goal is to get ripped from resistance bands you should follow workouts with that specific goal which usually involve high repetition of movement and relatively low rest times between movements. Some type of cadence with 10-15 repetitions of a movement in a set with 20-30 rests between movements is ideal for working towards this goal. Additionally, incorporating resistance band exercises for weight loss can help in achieving a leaner physique.
Which Specific Muscle Groups are targeted with Resistance Bands?
How to Start a Resistance Band Workout Routine?
The first step in starting a resistance band workout routine is selecting the right band. Resistance bands come in various thicknesses and strengths, typically indicated by their color. Lighter bands are excellent for beginners or for exercises that require a higher number of reps, while heavier bands are suited for strength training and experienced users. It's crucial to have a range of bands to accommodate different exercises and progression stages.
Choosing the Right Resistance Band for Your Fitness Level
Before diving into a resistance band workout routine, it's crucial to select the appropriate resistance band for your fitness level. Resistance bands come in various colors or levels of resistance, ranging from light to heavy. Beginners should opt for lighter bands to avoid straining muscles, while more advanced fitness enthusiasts may require heavier bands to provide ample challenge.
Following a Resistance Band Workout Plan
It is scientifically proven that if you follow a plan for a specific goal as well as the correct nutrition, you are more likely to reach your goal. Think of your body as the result of a number of inputs and the result or outputs are the goals you want to reach. This means there are specific repetition ranges, rest times and fuel (nutrition) that needs to go into your body so the output is what you are looking for whether that is toning, muscle mass, strength, shredding or something else. For those interested in resistance band weight loss, it's important to tailor your workout plan accordingly.
These are the best resistance band exercises for different goals as highlighted in Resistance Revolution. In this article we highlight the movements themselves that are part of some of the daily workouts, but to actually utilize them towards a goal you will need to adjust the amount of sets, reps and rest times you follow along with as well as additional exercises to reach that goal. Those are all available inside of the Resistance Revolution.
Banded Leg Power
Build powerful legs with this workout. Power building workouts follow a recommended set of reps and rest times compared to other workouts. These demonstrations are from Resistance Revolution.
Overhead Squats with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Build legs, shoulders, back, core strength and stability all in one movement.
How: Step on the resistance bands with feet slightly wider than shoulders and then grab the resistance band with each hand. Press the resistance band overhead and stabilize it with your shoulders, core and back. Your arms should be as far apart as you need overhead to allow for a comfortable range of motion. You should never perform any movement that creates pain. Lower your hips into the squat position to the point at which your glutes are level with or just below your knees. At no point in this exercise should you feel any pain. Listen to the cues above to help correct if needed.
Seated Calf Raises with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Build your calf muscles
How: You can sit on a bench, chair, box, edge of the bed or you get the picture. Anything in which you are seated and your feet are on the ground. Place the resistance band beneath the balls of your feet on the floor or an object like a dumbbell for more range of motion at the bottom. The seated calf raise primarily works the soleus muscle which is the inside of your calf compared to the standing calf raise which focuses more on the outer muscles of your calf. Grip either side of the resistance band over your knees and pull tight to create tension in the resistance band. You can make this movement easier or more difficult based on how much slack you let out of your hands.
Step Back Lunge with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Build power in your quads and glutes
How: Place the center of the resistance band under your foot and then one hand will hold an end of the resistance band on each side. You can pull the resistance tighter or grip closer to your feet to increase the resistance level. With the same foot that has the resistance band around it, step backwards while maintaining tension on the band into the lunge position. You will feel tension the most in the standing position, this creates far more engagement throughout the entire lunge because gravity is what creates resistance in the step back.
Upper Body Resistance Band Pump
The goal of these workouts in Resistance Revolution are two pump up your upper body with high repetitions and only 30 seconds of rest between movements. Over time you would want to do more sets each week. These demonstrations are from Resistance Revolution.
Overhead Press with Resistance Band
Purpose: Builds strong core, shoulders and back muscles
How: Step on the resistance band with one or both feet and then hold the other end of the resistance band in each hand. The goal is to press the resistance band over your head, lower it back down to chest level and repeat. You should keep your abs engaged throughout this movement and be driving the resistance band with your shoulders and back. Keep your hands slightly in front of your shoulder and fully extend straight up. The goal is full extension at the top but can be adjusted based on your mobility. You should never feel strain in your lower back.
Want to Try Resistance Band Programs That Burn Fat and Gain Muscle? Get Access to 7 Resistance Band Workouts + Create Your Own With a Workout Generator! Follow on desktop or mobile!
Push Ups with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Builds pectoral muscles, core and back
How: The resistance band will be wrapped around your upper back and through each hand. In this manner, it is simply making the traditional push up more challenging for you by creating that resistance as you push yourself back to the top. As in a traditional push up, make sure your ankle, knee, hips and ears are in perfect alignment down your body. Keep your abs engaged throughout the entire movement and don’t let your body fall out of being in a straight line. Keep your shoulders back and your chest proud (forward), after you lower yourself to the ground drive yourself back up primarily using your pectoral muscles and back to move you upwards.
Curls with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Tone and build your biceps
How: Step on the resistance band with one or both feet. This can be one of the ways you increase the tension on the resistance band to make it harder or easier with the same band. Hold the resistance band with each hand. You will keep your abs engaged, back straight and bring your hands towards your shoulders by only using your bicep to do this. Your shoulders should be stable and not be what brings the band closer, this should only be done by pulling your hands toward you with the bicep. It is okay to slightly bend your knees or hips. Keep your chest proud and your shoulders back the entire time. To make this more challenging you can lower the band more slowly and let the resistance try to pull your arm down, resist that pressure to keep more tension in your biceps.
Resistance Band Core Engagement
Build strong core and ab muscles with these movements. You will keep your core tight and fight the force and tension the resistance puts on you. These demonstrations are from Resistance Revolution.
Pallof Press with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Build strong abs, obliques, core and back
How To: This movement can be done kneeling or standing. In this demonstration you will be full kneeling (on both knees) with the resistance band anchored to something directly horizontal to you. You should be positioned at a distance that creates tension in the hand as you hold it directly in front of you and press outwards. The resistance will be pulling on you through the entire time of this movement and by engaging your abs to resist that force and stay facing perfectly in front of you, you will be building these muscles. This focuses on obliques, all abdominal muscles as well. Press your hands directly out from your chest like you would a close grip push up (obviously there is no floor in front of you) while resisting the pull on you front the resistance band.
Horizontal Pull Aparts with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Build strong abs, core, back and chest
How To: In a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart you will hold the band in each hand straight in front of you like a bar. You can adjust the tension of this movement depending on how you hold the resistance band. You can hold just part of the band in each hand or hold two sides of the band in each hand to make this even more challenging. Keep your abs engaged the entire time. Stretch the band apart by pulling it in opposite directions with each hand until each hand is at the lateral side of your body with your arms fully extended. The resistance band should be touching your chest at this point. As you bring your hands back in front of you, the resistance band will want to let the tension out as fast as possible, you can try to resist this tension to make this more challenging as you retract as well.
Banded Knee Drive
Purpose: Build strong abs, core, shoulders, biceps
How To: Hold a part of the resistance band with each hand out in front of you at about waste level. Keep your abs engaged as well as your entire upper body. You will ‘march’ one leg at a time up into the resistance band. Use the engagement in your upper body to resist this and keep your knee from pushing the resistance band upward. Your goal is to resist the force your knee puts on the band, which forces you to engage your abs and upper body. Alternate each side similar to a march.
Fat Burning Resistance Band Workout
These are full body movements designed for complete engagement of all the muscles in your body and burning fat. These demonstrations are from Resistance Revolution.
Deadlift to Bent Over Row with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Combination of movements to build hips, core, arms and back
How To: You can hold the resistance band a number of different ways to increase the resistance level. In the example above, both ‘sides’ of the band are under the feet and you are holding one end of the band in each hand. Push your hips backward like you are lowering yourself to the bottom of a deadlift position. When you get to the bottom, you will pause, then row your arms back using your traps. Keep your elbows tight and drive them as high as you can. This creates lat and upper back engagement. Bring them to the bottom of the row and then execute the stand up from the deadlift. You should feel the tension in the band act as if you are weighted down.
Alternating Plank Rotation with Resistance Band
Purpose: Build strong core and back
How To: Start in a push up position with the resistance band around your upper back and one end in each hand. Lift one hand up off the ground and bring it up as high as you possibly can above you. Keep your abs engaged and tight to resist the resistance band pulling you towards the planted hand.
Straight Leg Lateral Step with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Core and Ab engagement
How To: If you use something like pull up assistance bands you will most likely want to double loop them around your legs. Step into the middle of the bands then pull it up around your ankles. If you have something smaller like Loop Bands or Mini Bands you just need to step into the middle of the bands, pull them up around your ankles. Keep your legs straight, knees locked and abs engaged. The goal is to create resistance for the outside of your hips. As you step outside you should step out into your functional range of motion you should still control. This should be a smooth step away from you and stepping in. You should still feel resistance as you step in.
Resistance Band Exercises for Arms
It is all about the biceps and triceps in these movements. These demonstrations are from Resistance Revolution.
Standing Tricep Extension with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Build tricep muscles and abs
How To: Stand with one foot or both feet on the resistance band. Grip the band behind you. You could technically do this with both hands, but one hand will be more challenging and is demonstrated above. Drive the resistance band up vertically with your tricep. Keep your elbow stacked above your shoulder to isolate your tricep as well as try to keep your elbow exactly stable and next to your head. Keeping your abs engaged and chest proud. You should only be pushing this up with the back part of your upper arm (tricep muscle).
Single Arm Press with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Builds your arms, shoulders, traps and core
How To: Stand with one foot on top and inside of the resistance band loop. Hold the other end in the hand on the same side. Press the resistance band above your head. This is ideal to try and improve imbalances you have on either side. You might find out you are not as strong or have as much durability on one side, by isolating one side you can improve this. Drive the resistance band upward using your shoulders and traps and then lower it back down in a controlled manner, all the while engaging your abs.
Bow and Arrow with Resistance Bands
Purpose: Build arms and back
How To: Stand with one foot in front of the other holding the resistance band in each hand. By adjusting the distance between each hand you can increase or descend the resistance level of the resistance band. You will hold both arms out away from you to create tension in the band and then with one hand draw the resistance band back towards behind your head as if you are pulling back on a bow and arrow. You can double up the band around your hand or reduce the space between your hands to create resistance and make it more challenging to draw back the resistance band. You could also double loop the resistance band to make it more challenging.
Want to Try Resistance Band Programs That Burn Fat and Gain Muscle? Get Access to 7 Resistance Band Workouts + Create Your Own With a Workout Generator! Follow on desktop or mobile!
Benefits of Resistance Band Training
Improved Strength: Resistance band exercises challenge your muscles by providing constant tension throughout the movement, leading to increased muscle strength and endurance over time. As you progress, you can easily adjust the resistance level of the bands to continue challenging your muscles.
Enhanced Flexibility: Resistance bands allow for a full range of motion during exercises, promoting flexibility and joint mobility. Incorporating dynamic stretches and movements with resistance bands can help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.
Cardiovascular Health: Resistance band training can also provide cardiovascular benefits when performed in a circuit or with high-intensity intervals. By incorporating resistance band exercises into a fast-paced workout routine, you can elevate your heart rate, burn calories, and improve cardiovascular endurance.
Adaptability: Resistance band training is highly adaptable and can be customized to suit individual fitness levels and goals. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, you can easily adjust the resistance, intensity, and complexity of exercises to match your current fitness level and gradually progress over time.
Portability and Convenience: Resistance bands are lightweight, portable, and inexpensive, making them ideal for home workouts, travel, or outdoor training. You can easily pack resistance bands in your gym bag or suitcase and perform a full-body workout anywhere, anytime.
Resistance Bands Are Nothing Without a Plan
Did you know that every time you workout you are taking on some risks? Yes, if done correctly, you will improve your life and research has shown that workouts do contribute to quality of life as well as reduce health issues. However, if not performed correctly you are taking on risks. What are some of those?
Designing a Full-Body Resistance Band Workout Plan
A balanced workout plan should include exercises that target all the major muscle groups, ensuring a full-body workout. I recommend starting with two to three workouts per week, focusing on different body parts each session to allow for adequate recovery. Each session should include exercises for the upper body, lower body, core, and cardiovascular endurance, tailored to meet individual fitness goals and levels.
Here's a sample weekly circuit workout plan using the 15 resistance band exercises listed, designed for beginners who aim to lose weight and build muscle:
Day 1: Full Body Circuit (Weight Loss Focus)
- Overhead Squats with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 12 reps
- Seated Calf Raises with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 15 reps
- Step Back Lunge with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 10 reps per leg
- Overhead Press with Resistance Band - 3 sets of 12 reps
- Push Ups with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Curls with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 12 reps
Day 2: Active Rest or Light Cardio
Engage in light cardio activities such as walking, swimming, or cycling for 30-45 minutes to promote recovery and enhance fat burning.
Day 3: Core & Upper Body Focus
- Pallof Press with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 12 reps per side
- Horizontal Pull Aparts with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 15 reps
- Banded Knee Drive - 3 sets of 20 reps (10 reps per leg)
- Overhead Press with Resistance Band - 3 sets of 12 reps
- Push Ups with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 10 reps
- Standing Tricep Extension with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 12 reps
Day 4: Active Rest or Light Cardio
Engage in light cardio activities for 30-45 minutes.
Day 5: Full Body Circuit (Muscle Building Focus)
- Deadlift to Bent Over Row with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 12 reps
- Alternating Plank Rotation with Resistance Band - 3 sets of 10 reps per side
- Straight Leg Lateral Step with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 15 reps per leg
- Overhead Press with Resistance Band - 3 sets of 12 reps
- Curls with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 12 reps
- Bow and Arrow with Resistance Bands - 3 sets of 12 reps per side
Day 6: Active Rest or Light Cardio
Engage in light cardio activities for 30-45 minutes.
Day 7: Rest Day
Rest and allow your body to recover fully from the week's workouts.
Remember to perform each exercise with proper form and technique, and adjust the resistance band tension as needed to match your fitness level. Additionally, ensure to maintain a balanced diet to support your weight loss and muscle-building goals. As you progress, you can gradually increase the intensity, duration, or resistance of the exercises to continue challenging your body and achieving results.
Over Training
Somewhere in the last thirty years, it has been common to want to come away from a workout feeling like you ‘crushed it’. We feel rewarded when we feel hot, sweaty and tired. In a way, the brain tricks us into that immediate gratification in thinking we really accomplished something. However you can overdo it. When you overdo it you increase risk of injury, you create fatigue making your next workouts harder and you risk not reaching your goals for those reasons. Whether it is your entire body or a particular muscle group, this is a risk. You might inadvertently overwork a particular muscle group because of your lack of knowledge about anatomy and physiology, then setting yourself back. How do you prevent over training?
Helpful Resources:
- Free Daily workouts with resistance bands here
- Fitness Equipment like resistance bands here
Under Training
How do you know if you have done enough for your workout if the barometer is not that you should feel exhausted and sore? In a way this is a time risk too, you are wasting your time by not getting to your goals in the most efficient way possible. Yes, you are better off than if you did not do anything, but if you do not see the progress you want this can be discouraging. You might think you did enough to get the effect you want, but because not knowing how many reps, rounds or what movements to do, you run that risk. How do you prevent under training?
Randomness Equals Calamitous
There are so many workouts there! Everyone posts and shares their workouts. There has never been more access to different workout ideas than there are today. However, by simply doing a new workout you come across each day on the internet, you combine both risks above. Your body is unique and your goals are unique. If you move from one workout to the other you can easily miss out on key movements you should be doing to reach your goal or do way to many of one thing to risk injury and burn out.
Expertly Crafted Plans
Following an expertly crafted plan is a guaranteed way to reach your goals when combined with proper nutrition. Decades of research have gone into the material trainers consume to earn certifications and degrees. Countless studies have been done to understand what types of rep schemes and rest times are needed for a specific goal like building muscle, toning or losing fat. We recommend working with a trainer who holds designations like CSCS or has years and years of experience and client testimonials regarding their work. While not all trainers will choose to focus on courses and certifications and not all courses and certifications are perfect, it does show an effort and willingness on the part of someone who has been to a lot of these to improve their knowledge. Client testimonials or reviews are another way to gauge the success of the person whose directions you are following.
The Best Resistance Band Workouts
If you do not have access to a personal trainer with the above experience, we can help. Our team has decades of experience along with the training and certifications to back it up. They have worked with thousands of clients over the years. Our team teaches trainers at 5 major gym chains how to move with various pieces of equipment.
Resistance Revolution
How Does This Program Work:
- A resistance band program designed to improve strength, fat loss, and mobility, by focusing on five engaging days of strength, mobility, and fat-burning.
- The focus of these exercises are on muscle-building strength and fat burning intensity, along with full body mobility warm-ups and cool downs before and after the workouts.
Band Shred: Four Weeks Fat Loss Program
This program requires minimal equipment, but will yield awesome results. Harness the elastic power of bands to build athletic strength and power while shedding body fat with this full body program. In this program all you'll need is a few bands and your own bodyweight. It's going to challenge you and free you from the gym which for some is a much needed break. It is also ideal for when you travel!
Answering some FAQ's
Q. Can resistance bands reduce belly fat?
A. While resistance band exercises can strengthen and tone abdominal muscles, spot reduction of fat in specific areas, such as the belly, is not possible. However, incorporating resistance band training into a comprehensive fitness regimen that includes cardiovascular exercise and a healthy diet can contribute to overall fat loss, including reduction of belly fat over time.
Q. Can I lose weight with resistance training?
A. Yes, resistance training, including exercises with resistance bands, can contribute to weight loss by increasing muscle mass, which in turn boosts metabolism and helps burn more calories throughout the day. Additionally, resistance training promotes fat loss and improves overall body composition when combined with proper nutrition and cardiovascular exercise.
Q. How many calories do you burn in a 15 minute resistance band workout?
A. The number of calories burned in a 15-minute resistance band workout varies depending on factors such as intensity, individual weight, and specific exercises performed. On average, a 15-minute resistance band workout can burn approximately 100 to 200 calories. However, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts or circuits that incorporate resistance bands may result in higher calorie expenditure.
Want to Try Resistance Band Programs That Burn Fat and Gain Muscle? Get Access to 7 Resistance Band Workouts + Create Your Own With a Workout Generator! Follow on desktop or mobile!
What Makes Living.Fit Different?
Why not just follow random workouts from social media or Youtube? The difference is expert programming. Following an expertly crafted program (this can still be fun) is how you get results, not random workouts.
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- Build muscle & burn fat.
- Burn 50 to 120 calories per 10 minutes, depending on your lean body mass, intensity, and conditioning
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- Proven and thoughtfully designed for long term results
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