Living.Fit Blog
Boost Your Fat Loss Journey With Functional Fitness
As I lace up my sneakers, I'm transported back to a pivotal moment in my fitness journey. Picture this: the sun rising, the air filled with determination. It's not just... -
Can You Lose Weight with Resistance Band Exercises?
Can You Lose Weight with Resistance Band Workouts? Losing body fat is a common fitness goal that goes beyond the desire for a leaner, more sculpted physique. Reducing body fat... -
The Best Resistance Band Exercises for Weight Loss and Building Muscle
15 Resistance Band Exercises for Men & Women to Tone Your Entire Body, Build Muscle or Lose Weight It is hard to name a more versatile, transportable and inexpensive piece... -
How to Do Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss
How to do Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss Kettlebells can do almost anything to your body that you want them to do. The key is mastering a few key principles... -
The Best Kettlebell Workouts for Weight Loss
The Best Kettlebell Workouts for Weight Loss + a Workout Sequence When I need and want to burn fat, the three key elements I focus on are diet, rest, and... -
Best Dumbbell Workouts for Weight Loss at Home
The goal of a workout should be to stimulate recovery hormones to maximize the body's metabolic capabilities. This will lead to more significant fat loss. Calories are nice to burn... -
10 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Weight Loss
Humans are faced with so many different options when it comes to exercising the human body. Between old school weight lifting techniques and technology, the choices are almost unlimited; however,... -
Best Kettlebell Exercises for Fat Loss
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2022, more than 1 billion adults aged 18 years and older were overweight. Of these over 650 million adults were obese. Obesity...