Kelly Matthews Interview | The LivingFit Show

Kelly Matthews talks about her success on social media, how she fell in love with fitness and kettlebells, and what Living Fit means to her.
A Little Bit From Kelly Matthews:
I’m originally from the Boston area but I moved to Austin, Texas this January (I love it!). I grew up a very active kid and ended up focusing on soccer in high school and then went on to play Division 1 at Northeastern University--the third of my siblings to do so. I got my personal training certification shortly after graduating and started my first training job at Equinox Sports Club. I spent almost 7 years with Equinox before making the decision to start my own business. Since then I’ve been working virtually and growing my online business while enjoying lovely Austin, playing futsal, raising a dog and a kitten and swinging lots of kettlebells.
My work has changed so much in the last year! I was training exclusively in-person for a really long time and like many other trainers, I quickly pivoted to virtual training when the pandemic hit. I thought I would hate it, but I actually loved having the ability to still connect with my clients and have more schedule freedom and flexibility. With no end to virtual training in sight, I made my final decision to move to Austin in pursuit of warmer weather and a new place to explore. I really started putting more effort into growing my social media presence in hopes of growing my online programming work and reaching more people with things that I love about training.
I’ve settled into this really wonderful place where I have virtual clients a few hours a day (mostly my long time clients from Boston), I have a good chunk of online programming for people all over the place, and I’m starting to think about what the next steps will be for my website/online business. I love making people stronger.
I love helping people surprise themselves with all the things they are capable of accomplishing. I love giving people a safe space to be honest and grow and strive for more than just “body goals”.
My “why” is making athletes out of people who never saw themselves as athletes and helping them enjoy the process!