Battle Ropes Versus Battle Rope Knock-offs

Battle Ropes Versus Battle Rope Knock-offs


Introduction to Battle Ropes and Wave Physics

Battle Ropes are special in that the physics involved to generate force, is wave physics, instead of the traditional mechanical physics in most other tools (except elastic bands).

Wave Physics and Generating Force

This force is the force that is created by and sent through your muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones. This force can create enough stress for the body to self-regulate into more force capable. This self-regulation is why you will grow bigger muscles, get stronger ligaments, build denser bones, or be able to create that force for longer periods of time with less rest.

Comparing Battle Ropes to Knock-Offs

Without getting into the physiology, we will look at the battle rope versus the battle rope knock-offs and their ability to generate force with wave physics versus the highly variable elastic responses that also carry their own force.

Battle Ropes' Static Nature vs. Elastic Knock-Offs

Battle ropes' static nature allows the physics of your power output to be translated into the rope, whereas the elastic nature of the knock-offs absorb some of your force and are primarily moving because of the momentum of the elastic force that is generated in the stretch of the bands or inertia type knock-offs.

Quantifying Power Output for Movement Variability

To get more movement variability and endless progressive overload, one would need to quantify power output (force*distance/time), which is nearly impossible with the band-like knock-offs, but very easy to create with the battle ropes.

Choosing Between Battle Ropes and Knock-Offs

If you are looking for a more versatile and powerful adaptation tool, the battle rope will reign supreme. If you are looking for low impact and low results, the battle rope knock-offs are for you. 


Aaron Guyett

Education Director & Master Coach with Living.Fit

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